Hello, welcome to my page. My name is Barry, I was
born in Middletown, Ohio, in 1954. I Grew up in
Trenton, Ohio, I was just a small boy my parent's
got divorced, I was tossed around from parent to
parent for years, some where in the early 1960's my
dad got remarried. He moved back to Trenton when I
was I guess about 9 or 10. I started school went to
Bloomfield school in Trenton, Ohio. This is where my
story starts!
This started back in 1969 the bottom of the hill
where Bloomfield school was. We would skip school on
Fridays and walk to Elk Creek, by the river. There
would be others there we would swim in the creek,
most times naked. The girls would be naked too. Back
then that was so awesome. Sometimes, we would bring
soft drinks, and candy bars with us, so we would
have something to drink and a snack. We would use
the trains to help us know when we was ready to
leave. There would be 3 trains, one at 12 noon, then
another at one pm going the opposite direction, then
the last one around 2:15 pm. Then we knew it was
time we could return home, with out getting caught
skipping school. So as time goes by Steve, and I
became very close. After your 16th birthday you
could bring your hunting equipment to school with
you, but you had to leave it in the office with your
name and the time you wanted to leave to go
hunting. You wasn't allowed to bring in the ammo.
But Steve and I would leave school around 1:30 pm to
go to the woods to go rabbit or squirrel hunting.
Time went fast when we was younger. I miss those
days when you could carry a shotgun down the street,
or to walk to the store to buy a snack before headed
to the woods. (1979) We would go camping, fishing,
and hunting. We were living the dream, so now we were
older, and we had been friends since the late 60s.
We both was in our 20s, we would still go to the
creek and fish, during the fall we would go hunting.
So sometimes we would stay in the woods for up to 14
to 21 days just living off the land. We would eat
fish, deer, rabbits, squirrel, poke, and wild berry's.
would get water from a freshwater spring, that only
he and I knew where it was. Sometimes we would walk
into town, to the King Kwik store next door to a bar
called the Tap Room, to pick up some things that we
might need. Toilet paper simple stuff that you cant
find in the woods. It was tough finding a rest room
in the woods but we made small holes in the ground
to use the rest room then cover it with dirt.
These next years went fast, when we wasn't in the
woods, we would walk to an old pay lake now owned by
the city of Middletown. We would fish for bass or
what ever we could catch. There were catfish, bass,
and a few other kinds of fish in this pond. We would
hang out fish and just enjoy life as young men. On
this one fishing day Steve and I were at this pond
fishing it was about 6 pm in the evening. This guy
comes walking up to us said, "how's the fishing"?
replied, "it is ok". Steve had a prosthetic leg.
Sometimes it would bother him so he would tap his
foot, this guy noticed he was doing this and asked,
"what are you doing"?
Steve replied, "Well you've heard where you have to be
quiet while fishing? This isn't true I am tapping my
foot so the fish can hear me and saying Fishy,
Fishy, loud that helps them bite". This guy went
off to the other side of the pond baited his hook
cast it in and we could hear him across the pond
screaming in a very loud voice, "Fishy, Fishy, Fishy",
man I was laughing so hard I fell down, and almost
wet my self. (1985) 6 years came and went. I was
working 2 jobs. Steve had left state to find another
place to live and to try and find a job that paid
more than $3.50 an hour. About every other day I
would check on Steve's wife. This one day I went
past to check on her, she was outside standing
talking with another woman, they both was crying I
got out of my car and ask what's wrong? Steve's wife
said, "Barry you have to help him". I said help who?
She said Steve. I ask, "How can I help him, he's out of
state"? She said, "He's supposed to call in 20 minutes".
So I hung around until he called. He told me he was
stuck at a truck stop and hadn't eaten for 5 days. I
ask him to find a manager, he did. I spoke with the
manager in charge, and asked him to feed Steve. I
explained that I
would be there with in 19 hours. Back then the speed
limit was only 55 mph so it took longer to get
anywhere in the USA. So away I go headed for Texas,
to pick up my friend. Well it's now about 15 hours
later I'm parking at a little truck stop in Texas, I
walk in and there he was setting at a booth drinking
coffee. I looked at Steve and said, "Honey I'm home".
He smiled he got up and we embraced with a hug. I
then ask to speak to the manager named Dave. He came out. I
said, "Sir how much do I owe you for feeding my
friend"? He said, "nothing you showed up to help your
friend, that's real friendship". So, Steve and I sat
down, talked a while, and decided to head to Houston,
Texas. So away we went. About 28 hours and no sleep
later we found our way to Houston, Texas.
Our First stop was the Sally. Salvation Army, that's
what homeless folks called it back then. We checked
to see if they had beds, we were told to be back by
6PM to ensure we got a bed. So that night we stayed
there. The next day we went to Manpower so we could
earn some money. Steve and I both got sent out on a
job, my job was at a company called Mud Control Inc.
I worked there for 5 days, and the manager back then asked
me if I wanted a full time job. I replied yes. So
for the next 2 years I was working at Mud Control,
after about 3 months I was promoted to shop foreman.
It was my responsibility to have all the equipment
cleaned and ready for transport to the oil fields. I
was given a company truck, a pager, and credit cards
for fuel motel stay if I was needed to travel to
another part of the state to repair a broken down
machine. After about 2 years I was asked if I wanted
to go to Austin, Texas, to help start the company
there because they was closing the Houston location.
I said no and I headed back to Ohio. Steve was also
working but when we got back to the Sally, we both
ate, took a shower, then went to bed by 9pm. So, it's
now day 7 we been there a week, Steve tells me he's
leaving and going to San Francisco, CA. I said OK
that's cool. We said our goodbyes he left. I worked
at Mud Control until they went out of business 2
and a half years later. It's now Summer of 1987, I'm
headed back to Ohio, when I arrived back my first
stop was to see if Steve was back or still
traveling. My first stop was Trenton to see if his
mom knew where he was. Sure, enough I got an address
in Carlisle, Ohio, I showed up knocked on the door,
and this short female named Cindy answered the door
and asked, "how I can help you?". I asked is Steve around?
She said "yes, who are you"? I walked past her yelling
Eakino! He said, "Hey in here". I followed his voice,
there he was, my friend Steve. My eyes started
watering, I said Hey! He jumped up, grabbed me, we
hugged and then started talking. My first question
was, "Where's your wife?" in a low voice. He said she
left me for another guy. I said oh. So, a few days
later I got to meet Steve's new girlfriend. I
realized who she was when I seen her, she was the
mother to Danielle. Dani as we called her, she was
a 14- or 15-year-old girl. Most of the boys who lived
nearby knew her. I acted like I didn't know her or
her daughter! Well anyways on with the story! By now
it's later August 1987. Steve and I are headed back
to the woods to go hunting. We stay back in the
woods just a few days and return back to Steve's
house, we had 10 rabbits and 6 squirrels. So, we started
cleaning our game! While we was cleaning a rabbit, I
grabbed some guts and held them in my hand, I started
sneezing and I let some of those guts drop out of my
hand. Dani came outside as I did this, she
started screaming OMG, then she said "Mom call 911
this guys brains are coming out of his nose!".
Well we got a good laugh. A few hours went by we
were inside cooking up some of it, and I get a phone
call from my parents. My dad asked me if I wanted to
come to Arizona and live and get a good job. I said
sure. So he told me about Mid- December he would
call me back! It's now December 16th, 1989. I was
packing my backpack getting ready to have Steve
drop me off at the Greyhound station. We both was
teared up! We hugged a few times and off we went
headed for Cincinnati, Oh, Greyhound bus station.
About 40 minutes later we arrived safe, and I got
out of the car. I walked inside the doors, turned
around looked back at Steve's car, he was waving bye.
I shook my head and walked away hurt. Well, I made
it to Arizona, I was there for 5 years, worked a few
different jobs. I worked for the City of Phoenix as a
bus driver. Another job was to haul Train ac units
to new houses to be installed, my last job was at
RCS. I was a ride operator of the ride called the
Wipeout. I had a couple of heat strokes. and in Jan
2005 I returned to Ohio. My first stop was Steve's mom's house to see where Steve was. His
mom told me
he was working in town at the Domino's Pizza place.
I knew where that was, so I headed up that way! I
got there I seen a black Chevy Blazer, Steve was
getting in I ran over there he was surprised, he said,
"Hey Barry! Stay here I will be right back I have to
make this delivery". So, I waited about 10 minutes
and he
returned. He got out of his vehicle, walked over and
hugged me and said, "I sure did miss you are you going
to stay around now for good"? I said why Sure!
So, we talked a bit. He told me he got off work at
10pm to stop back by! So I did. We talked about 5
minutes, and he said follow me. I didn't know
where were going, but away we went! About 15
minutes, go by and we are pulling in a driveway in
Middletown, I got out and asked, "whose house is this"?
He said, "its mine and my girlfriend's". Now, we are
walking in and I'm thinking to myself, wonder if it's
the same woman? Well, I walked in and there was this
short woman with red hair she must have been 4 foot
tall at best! I asked Steve "why a short woman for"? He
smiled and spoke 2 words. "OMG", I said, "really, you're
bad Steve"! Well, anyways we hung out a
while and drank a lot of beer! Then I asked, "Steve, you
remember about 6 or 8 months ago, when you were
walking down Route 4 with a big stick telling folks
you were Jesus"? He laughed and said yes. Steve asked,
"Barry remember our Bigfoot that chased us"? I said
hell yes! By now it was 1am we were so drunk we both
passed out! The next day I got up about 12pm Steve
was gone. His woman was still there. She asked me "are you
hungry"? I said "no, not really". But I would like to get
a shower! She showed me where everything was, and I
got dressed after words and told her to tell Steve I
would get a hold of him later! By now about 8 months
have passed and I haven't seen Steve since! Its June
2005, I was out just riding around in my car when I
see Steve pass me on the road! I made a U-turn and
followed him. he was headed for Trenton we ended up
at his mom's house. I asked him why he was there he said,
"that bitch kicked me out, so I'm staying here for a
few weeks until I can get me a place of my own". So,
he and I went fishing almost every night until July.
Then for whatever reason he was gone again for a few
days. I went to his mom's house, asked her where
Steve was, she said "he is fishing by the Trenton
Bridge". So that is where I went. We talked, he said he
wanted to move in with me and stop drinking. I said
sure man I'll help you any way I can. It's Now July
27, 2005, 4pm. He and I went to The River he was
fishing, he said, "can you get a chainsaw"? I said "yes,
I will be right back", so about 45 minutes later I
return with the saw. I cut up about 8 trees we were
going to build a raft and float down the river to the
Ohio River, then to the Mississippi River. Well, it
was hot that day about 100 DEGREES. It was starting
to get dark! I told Steve I had to leave because I
was tired and hot, and I would return about 10 or 11
pm. He said cool. I left it was about 4:30 or 5 pm.
I went home took a shower and fell asleep, I didn't
mean too.
July 28, 2005, 8:30 AM. I wake up to *Bang! Bang!
Bang!* on my front Door! When I opened the door there
stood Steve's mom, she was crying saying in a very
loud voice, "They found a body! I know its him, I
just know its him!". So, I get dressed jump in my Chevy
Blazer, and I'm headed to Trenton, Ohio at no less
than 90 MPH! Running every red light and stop sign that
I come across! I had a very sick feeling in my stomach
at this point. I kind of knew too! Well I get
there in about 10 Minutes, I hear more sirens coming
my way. I didn't look but when I got out of my car,
I hear a voice scream "Stop"! I turned and looked
there was a Sheriff, Middletown Police, Monroe, and
an Ohio State Police pointing their guns at me
ordering me to lay on the ground! I looked at them
and said, "fuck you I'm here to get Steve" and walked
away going down a hill to where Steve was the night
before! I was within ear distance! I hear another
voice say, "Barry! Stop your walking on my crime scene"! There in the
pond, face down was Steve! By now I
couldn't see due to the tears coming out of my eyes.
I ran to the pond and grabbed Steve's lifeless body
and was screaming "Steve wake the fuck up, get out of
the water! Stop acting dead"! I shook him again
crying even harder saying in a voice that sounds
like your choking "Steve just wake up damn it"! Then
I feel myself hit the ground, the police that was
chasing me put me in hand cuffs and took me back to
the police car. The (now retired) Trenton Police
chief said, "let me have him I will take him to
Trenton these guys were friends for over 40 years he
is just upset"! So, I was taken to Trenton Police
station where I was place in jail. I asked why? I was
told, "we don't need 2 murders today you're staying
here until we get the guy who did this". I went crazy.
I tried everyway in the world to break out of that
cell. I even banged my head on the wall until I was
bleeding so they would at least take me to a
hospital, but nothing worked. When I got released, I
asked do you have the guy who did it. I was told yes.
I asked what's his name. I was told his name. so, then
I tried to get arrested so I would go to jail where
he was. But for whatever reason no matter what I did
I was told to go home and sleep it off! I tried
everything to get arrested nothing was working. They
just told me to go home and sleep it off. So I went
to Steve mom's house everyone was there. Steve's
brothers, his mom and his nephews was there also. I
asked does anyone know who else was there I was given
3 names and 1 address. I went there but no one would
answer the door. However, the police stopped me and
told me to go home. I said no, I want to talk to that
boy who was there. The police said, you can't we are
still investigating this. So I went back to Steve
mom's house and his mom said to me to come back in 3
days that the coroner will be here about 1pm. So I
showed up and I heard how Steve was murdered, it
made me even more angry. The coroner said it was over
kill. She said he was hit in the back of the head so
hard that the first blow to the head killed him. While he
was thrashing around on the ground his murderer cut
his throat from ear to ear. He was dying before his
throat was cut but he still deemed it necessary to cut him
from ear to ear. Well the guy who did this is still
in prison, until 2026. I will be an old man, by then
but as long as he stays away from me there will not
be any trouble. I am married now and my wife and
children have seen me set and cry, get angry, and cry
even more.
So now its 11/07/2022 And Still to this day I ask
myself every day I wake up HOW DO I?
Am I crazy for wanting to hurt the guy who killed my
friend? No maybe not, but for the better part of 10
years if I could have gotten a hold of the guy who
did this, I would have beat him to death slow to
make him suffer! But not so much today! I'm sure he
has suffered being in prison. Maybe he even got butt
fucked! I don't know. But I do know this, as long as
he stays away from me and never tries to talk to me,
I will not do anything to him. He will be an old man
when he gets out, I will be in my late 70's early
80's. Thanks in Advance! This was very hard for me
to write!
Today is March 11, 2023, it's been 18 years since I
lost Steve. It seems like yesterday. everything
seems so fresh in my mind still. When will I be able
to live again will I ever find another friend?
Today is 09 20 2023
Just a scar somewhere down inside of me Something I
can not repair Even though it will always be I
pretend it isn't there (this is how I feel) I'm
trapped in yesterday (just a memory)
Where the pain is all I know (this is all I know)
And I'll never break away (can't break free)
'Cause when I'm alone
I'm lost in these memories
Living behind my own illusion
Lost all my dignity
Living inside my own confusion
But I'm tired, I will always be afraid
Of the damage I've received
Broken promises they made
And how blindly I believed (this is all I know)
And I'll never break away (can't break free) Cause
when I'm alone I'm lost in these memories Living
behind my own illusion Lost all my dignity Living
inside my own confusion.
I try to keep this pain inside, but I will never be
July 20, 2024
I heard a quote while watching TV today, it made me
think of Steve and I. {“When you find that one
person whom Connects to the world, you become
someone different Someone better. When that person
is taken from you, what do you become then?” ~Jim
Caviezel, ( John Reese ) {Person Of Interest }
Best Regards
Barry L Moore
Rest In Peace Steve, I still Love you man and miss
you every day!
Steven Allen Eakin
(1956 - 2005)
17 years 3 months 10 days and I am still not healed
due to this event. Today is April 27 2024, and I am
still hurt due to the event in 2005. How do you move
on to a better place.
Sometimes I think to my self if I would have not fell
asleep, Steve might still be alive. Or who knows
maybe I would be dead too.
Johnny Ray Watkins, killed my friend. I will never
forgive him for that, but I hope he never tries to
talk to me. How Do I? What that means is how do I
move on, I am lost forever in a world that doesn't
understand my pain and anger I still Have.